Hi, welcome on my site. This is the place where I post all my "projects". These can be ranging from 3D printing, CTF write-ups or even cooking recipes. Everything I do and like to share with the world
- NixOs: configure everything!
How my machines are just one big configuration[Read more]
🏷️ [Dotfiles,Linux,Configuration,NixOs] - Managing dotfiles
A quick tutorial on managing dotfiles[Read more]
🏷️ [Dotfiles,Linux,Configuration] - Making a terrarium
A quick tutorial on making terrarium[Read more]
🏷️ [Plants,Creative,Hobby] - Surveillance
A writeup for the HackTheBox Surveillance machine.[Read more]
🏷️ [Machine,HackTheBox] - SpyBug Writeup
A writeup for the HackTheBox Cyber Apocalypse 2023 challenge SpyBug[Read more]
🏷️ [CTF,HackTheBox,Web] - Steam Cloud
A writeup for the HackTheBox Uni CTF challenge Steam Cloud[Read more]
🏷️ [CTF,HackTheBox] - Christmas lights hack
A project the bring a little more mood lighting to my room. With a hacked set of christmas lights connected to an ESP controller such that I could control them via Home Assistant with just one button press.[Read more]
🏷️ [Hacking,Electronics,Home automation]